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Only from the heart can you touch the sky.

- Rumi


Hello, I’m Shale.

I am a holistic liberation-based therapist based in Brooklyn, NY. I work with individuals, couples and organizations to support optimal wellbeing and liberation. I believe in the power we all have to heal, individually and collectively, and I facilitate that healing through ancient and modern modalities.



Therapy is an invitation to explore the inner world, taking a look at what’s working well and what feels difficult and exploring new skills with empathetic professional support and guidance along the way. Learn how to heal from trauma and pain, open your heart, and thrive vibrantly.




Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation give us access to deeper states of calm and teach us to see things as they truly are. Through consistent practice, the veils of illusion are removed and an undistorted glimpse of reality becomes available. From this perspective, we are able to make meaningful and profound change in our individual and collective lives. I am trained in both mindfulness and meditation, and I support clients and organizations in learning how to implement and integrate these ancient and evidence-based practices.


Reiki and Energy Healing

I facilitate deeper levels of healing on an energetic level through Reiki and energy healing techniques. This can implemented to support healing and recovery of individuals, couples and families, collectives, and physical spaces. The energy work I do is integral to all the work I do with clients and organizations.


Find Your Peace

I facilitate peace and wellness through ancestral and modern methodologies. I work with individuals as well as organizations to resolve imbalance and create harmony. Please let me know how I can be of service to you or your organization.


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